The Charles E Kubly Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations for projects that are consistent with our mission to raise awareness of depression, reduce the stigma associated with it and help people access resources in their communities. Additionally we have funded projects that address suicide prevention.


01. All In Milwaukee

A partnership with STRYV365 to provide customized, non-clinical, trauma-informed programming to better prepare college bound students in the program.

02. Battlescar Kids Foundation

Screening of Battle Scar Kids programming for up to 300 middle and high school students in the Madison, WI area to build social engagement and awareness through social emotional learning, art therapy and the message of turning pain into power activities.

03. The Bellin Health Foundation

Funding for the Bellin Psychiatric Sensory Room for patients' use in self-regulation, therapeutic needs and coping strategies.

04. Centro Hispano, Inc.

A grant for "Escucha tus Emociones" -- a linguistically and culturally affirming community based mental health outreach initiative in Dane County.

05. Ex Fabula

A partnership with HYFIN at Radio Milwaukee -- programming for this collaboration with AfterDark: For the Culture which aims to bring honest and open mental health conversations for the Black and Brown community of Milwaukee.

06. La Casa de Esperanza

Funding toward staff and volunteer training to become certified as Behavioral Technicians and improve their ability to understand and work with students in social emotional education.

07. Milwaukee County War Memorial, Inc.

A public education program -- Southeastern Wisconsin Task Force on Veteran Suicide Prevention.

08. Milwaukee Urban Stables, Inc.

Horses 4 Heroes programming for Milwaukee Police Department officers, targeted through the MPD wellness program who have experienced traumatic events in the line of duty.

09. REDgen

A grant to bring QPR (Questions, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training to REDgen youth leaders committed to enhancing mental health in their school communities.

10. Scaling Wellness in Milwaukee, LTD

Funding toward SWIM's Trauma-Informed Speaker Series: Addressing Trauma in Milwaukee.

11. Starfish Foundation

Funding for Certified Peer Support training for veterans and citizens who want to serve veterans in this capacity.

12. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Mindful I-Corps which wills support student entrepreneurs by integrating mental well-being strategies with entrepreneurial training.
Since 2003, we have provided funds to the following organizations.


Academic Psychiatry

A peer reviewed psychiatric journal. A special issue focused on the need to educate medical students, resident psychiatrists and psychiatrist practitioners to work more effectively with families and to deal with the impact of stigma on families and patients as a barrier to care. (2005)

Active Minds

Grant to assist in the development of student mental health awareness chapters in Wisconsin. (2010)

Active Minds

Funds to develop three Active Minds on Campus chapters on college and/or university campuses in the State of Wisconsin. (2008)

Active Minds at Marquette University

will bring a suicide awareness campaign to campus. The Send Silence Packing is a suicide awareness campaign that travels throughout the country, where 1,100 packages are displayed to represent the approximately 1,100 college students that die by suicide every year. (2015)

Active Minds at Marquette University

will host speaker, Jordan Burnham, during its annual Mental Health Awareness Week. Jordan is a nationally recognized speaker on the topic of suicide. Active Minds raises awareness of mental health on college campuses. (2014)

Advancing Suicide Prevention Magazine

Distribution of an issue on men and depression featuring information on the role of the workplace to professionals in human resources, benefits management, EAP and health policy. A supplement including a special report to Wisconsin businesses on the toll of depression in the workplace is attached. (2006)

Advancing Suicide Prevention Magazine

Distribution of a youth themed issue of this national strategic health policy magazine to 5,000 professionals throughout the state. This issue will focus on the crisis of suicide among youth populations, the role of schools, substance abuse as an indicator for youth suicide potential and issues that impede treatment of suicidal children and teens. (2005)

All 4 Kidz

A grant for the Emotional Healing program supporting kids ages 10-21 to improve their understanding of mental health and wellness through workshops and services. (2024)

All In Milwaukee

A partnership with STRYV365 to provide customized, non-clinical, trauma-informed programming to better prepare college bound students in the program. (2024)

All-In Milwaukee

Training for the unique needs of the All-In Scholar Advisors and foundational knowledge on trauma and the integration of trauma responsive practices to ensure the long-term success of students in their college completion program. (2021)

Almost Sunrise

A grant to fund a companion piece to follow the Fall 2017 PBS airing of the award-winning documentary "Almost Sunrise". (2018)

Alverno College

will develop and launch a new Wellness Website to improve student access to, and awareness of mental health resources. It will also provide engaging, interactive tools, educational content and activities. (2016)

Alverno College

Support for a 2014 Mental Health Summit (2013)

American Association of Suicidology

A grant to provide scholarships for the Healing After A Suicide conference to be held in April of 2009 and funds to offset registration fees for the conference. (2008)

American Association of Suicidology

Grant for wallet cards, posters, and CDs on the risk factors and warning signs of suicide for medical and mental health professionals. Includes funds for media training for journalists, editors and reporters. (2006)

American Foundation For Suicide Prevention

The Wisconsin chapter of AFSP will work to pilot a new customized suicide prevention program aimed at Wisconsin veterans and later to be rolled out through AFSP chapters throughout the country. (2010)

Amery Area Senior Citizens

A grant to support educational presentations on the topics of depression and suicide prevention to seniors and the general public in Amery, WI. (2014)

Amery Area Senior Citizens

Funding to support Suicide Survivors Support group, to include facilitator training (2012)

Anu Family Services

Funding for the Community-Based Flexible Support program targeting residents of rural Western Wisconsin communities. The program provides in-home education and support for adult and children with mental or substance abuse disorders to assist them with increasing independence, practicing skills that keep them healthy and promote positive well-being, and connects them to community. (2018)

Art With Impact

Funding to continue support of art-based mental health workshops on Wisconsin college campuses. (2022)

Art with Impact

Voices with Impact 2021 film festival with five winning films that focus on mental wellbeing and living with mental illness. Post-festival, the films are shared with mental health professionals and academic institutions in partnerships that leverage art to create opportunities for prevention and early intervention of mental illness. (2021)

Ascension All Saints-Women of Worth

A CEKF grant will support the health education and parenting programs of Ascension All Saints's Women of Worth Program (WOW) which serves women Racine and Kenosha Counties with behavioral health issues. Both programs provide participants with strategies to help women find more control and balance in their lives thus reducing accompanying anxiety and depression. (2019)

Ascension Wisconsin Foundation

Educational and working retreat for Ascension Oncology Social Workers to discuss trauma related resources, self-care resources, and social work definition and measures/productivity. (2023)

Aurora Psychiatric Hospital

A grant to provide education about the treatment of depression and suicide risk assessment to primary care physicians. (2010)

Aurora Walker's Point Community Clinic

A grant to support the purchase of Men Get Depression DVDs and a small DVD player to create a lending library. The DVD can be played in Spanish. (2013)

Battlescar Kids Foundation

Funding for Battlescar Kids at Discovery World in Milwaukee; an interactive experience for Milwaukee youth to learn about their inner strength and resiliency. (2024)

Battlescar Kids Foundation

Screening of Battle Scar Kids programming for up to 300 middle and high school students in the Madison, WI area to build social engagement and awareness through social emotional learning, art therapy and the message of turning pain into power activities. (2024)

Bellin Health

Funding for Mental Health First Aid community trainings and the certification of additional staff members as trainers in the youth and adult versions of the program. Mental Health First Aid is a national program to teach the skills to respond to the signs of mental illness and substance use and help a person in crisis through a five-step action plan. (2020)

The Bellin Health Foundation

Funding for the Bellin Psychiatric Sensory Room for patients' use in self-regulation, therapeutic needs and coping strategies. (2024)

Beloit Police Chaplaincy Unit

A grant to send police chaplains to QPR training. (2013)

Boys & Girls Club - Greater Milwaukee

Train Boys & Girls Club staff to use LEADS for Youth curriculum and to receive Anger Management certification to better address mental health for youth club members as well as support Mental Health Awareness Month activities at the Boys & Girls Clubs. (2018)

Boys & Girls Club -- Greater Milwaukee

"Train the Trainer" trauma-informed care training from Wellpoint Care Networks along with Mental Health First Aid training, ultimately benefitting 172 total staff members. (2022)

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee

A grant to support implementation of SMART Moves curriculum at one club site directed at social-emotional development (SED). (2024)

Carroll University

"Depression on College Campuses" 2-day conference registration for two Carroll University campus therapists. (2022)

The Carter Center

Support for fellowships for journalists to study a mental health topic with the aim of reducing stigma and promoting high quality reporting on mental health. (2007)

Catalpa Health

A grant to develop a social media strategy in the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin that raises awareness of mental health issues, while offering education and outreach to their community served. (2017)

Catholic Charities of Madison

A grant to provide comprehensive suicide prevention services to the middle and high schools in the rural school district of Marshall, WI, including suicide prevention groups, mental health and coping groups, staff training and parent education. (2018)

Catholic Charities of Madison

Funding to expand the existing FACE-Kids (Five+ Agency Cooperative Effort) to Mt. Horab, WI. FACE-Kids uses a collaborative system as a strategy to provide accessible group counseling in schools, neighborhood centers, and FACE-Kids agencies. (2016)

Center for Suicide Awareness

Resilience training for Police Officers and First Responders. (2023)

Center for Suicide Awareness

This project will allow for CSA to provide evidenced based training to first responders and law enforcement in SE Wisconsin. (2021)

Center for Suicide Awareness

Funds to support the creation of a DVD on topic of suicide to be used with middle and high school students in suicide prevention efforts. (2013)

Center for the Advancement of Health

A grant to provide an outreach campaign to accompany a broadcast on the topic of men and depression. The broadcast will be created by State of the Art, a communications company, with support from the National Institute for Mental Health. The program will air in 2007. (2006)

Centro Hispano of Dane County, Wisconsin

Support of a multimedia campaign (all in Spanish) to reach Latinx families in and around Madison, Wisconsin in hopes of reducing stigma associated with mental health and to support those dealing with depression and anxiety. (2021)

Centro Hispano, Inc.

A grant for "Escucha tus Emociones" -- a linguistically and culturally affirming community based mental health outreach initiative in Dane County. (2024)

Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation

Support for an online, downloadable suicide prevention brochure. (2009)

Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation

Support for the Teen Bipolar and Depression Connection, educating southern Wisconsin teens about the signs and symptoms of mood disorders and important resources (2007)

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

Funding for NAMI Greater Milwaukee's theater performance of "Pieces" at the Pediatric Nursing Conference in November 2017. (2017)

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

Funds to provide an intensive monthly education program about mental illness to pediatric residents at the Children's Hospital's Downtown Health Center which serves disadvantaged youth in the downtown Milwaukee area and children in Milwaukee County's Foster Care System. (2006)

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

for workshops for pediatricians to learn more about psychiatric disorders in children and how to treat patients in tandem with Children's Hospital's new Evaluation Clinic. (2005)

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation

will launch new comprehensive school-based mental health program for K-12th grade students. The grant will fund an awareness program essential to the launch and ongoing education campaign. (2015)

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin/Children's Health Education Center

A grant to support the It's Time: Teen Depression peer to peer, classroom based program.B110 (2009)

Children's Outing Association

Support for in-service training for staff of COA on trauma as it relates to higher rates of depression and suicide. (2013)

Christian Family Solutions

Parent education and peer mentoring program for families enrolled in their day treatment program using Trust Based Relational Intervention. TBRI equips parents with skills needed to help their children heal from past relational traumas and improve their long term outcomes. (2023)

Chrysalis, Inc.

Support of "Stories of Hope" storytelling events using The MOTHMadison Story Slam programming. This includes video production of the events for continued share with the community to reduce stigma and show stories of hope and healing. (2022)

Columbia St. Mary's

Co-sponsorship of a conference on postpartum depression for health care providers, Fall 2010. (2010)

Compassionate Home Healthcare

Support for a mobile health and hygiene hub bringing needed supplies, educational resources and community engagement activities to those in need. (2024)

Concordia University

Phase 3 of Concordia University's Mequon, WI campus comprehensive system (programs and policies) that works to improve student's emotional health and wellbeing. This phase uses the JED Foundation's JED Campus protocol. (2021)

Concordia University

Funding for the creation of a SMART (Stress Management, Anxiety and Resilience Training) Lab on the Concordia University campus in Mequon, WI to bolster student mental health and prevent suicide. (2019)

COPE Hotline

CEKF funds will go toward support of the 24/7 COPE support and crisis line which serves five counties and took 18,000 calls in 2019. COPE and Starting Point--two agencies with closely affiliated missions--have recently come together under the name Sirona Recovery. (2020)

COPE Services

Funding to replenish COPE brochures and provide partial support of the after-hours hotline service that assists callers in need when COPE is closed. (2018)

COPE Services

A grant to provide 6 QPR Training sessions (one every other month) for community members and advertisement of COPE hotline. (2016)

COPE Services

Support for a brochure for seniors about depression and anxiety. (2011)

COPE Services

A grant to support the COPE Teen Line and School Outreach program. (2009)

COPE Services

Funds to develop, print and distribute the 2008 Ozaukee County Resource Directory. (2008)

COPE Services

Support to continue the Beat the Blues program to inform teens of the warning signs of depression and suicide and to create a new Ozaukee County mental health resource guide. (2007)

COPE Services

Funds for a project to promote and encourage teens and young adults to use the COPE Hotline when they are in crisis. Materials to educate this population about the warning signs of depression and suicide and the importance of seeking treatment. (2006)

Diverse and Resilient

A grant to provide mental health education and suicide prevention training to the LGBT community (2012)


Funding to support educational presentations in the community, printing of training resources and handouts, and maintenance of a resource directory for veterans. (2013)


Grant to assist with placing mental health information on their website plus costs associated with a downloadable suicide prevention brochure. (2009)

Eastbrook Academy

Support for continued enhancements to Easbrook's "Warrior Resilience" programming which includes holistic post-pandemic initiatives for K-12 mental health and suicide prevention. (2024)

Eastbrook Academy

Supplies, materials, facility improvements, sensory room needs and further support for newly implemented school mental health program. (2023)

Edgewood College

3 year grant to implement JED Campus programming guided by The JED Foundation. (2023)

Erika's Lighthouse

Funding for a new and updated Teen Toolbox website allowing teens to access reliable and accurate information about mental health and resources. (2023)

Erika's Lighthouse

A realignment of current mental health curriculum offered to school districts and implemented in their Teen Empowerment Clubs, Professional Development and Family Development programs. This will be a three-tiered program for different grade levels that utilizes the same language and approach. (2021)

Erika's Lighthouse

A grant to create an abridged version of the Parent Handbook on Childhood & Teen Depression in both English & Spanish. (2018)

Erika's Lighthouse

will continue its critical work of providing parents with a practical guide to depression. It will provide parents with an electronic handbook, free of charge, to parents who need a road map for the many issues they may face over the course of their child's depression. (2016)

Ex Fabula

A partnership with HYFIN at Radio Milwaukee -- programming for this collaboration with AfterDark: For the Culture which aims to bring honest and open mental health conversations for the Black and Brown community of Milwaukee. (2024)

Ex Fabula

An event and media campaign to help local community members craft their personal stories involving mental health and share them in "story slams" throughout the community. (2021)

Express Yourself Milwaukee

The Girls' Voice Studio Program will provide urban teen girls with arts-based therapeutic intervention that uncovers inner strength and resilience, builds teamwork and belonging, and evelops healthy self-identities. (2018)

Express Yourself Milwaukee

A grant to provide multidisciplinary therapeutic arts programming to boys in transition from the Milwaukee County Accountability Program to the greater Milwaukee community. (2015)

Express Yourself Milwaukee

A grant to provide multidisciplinary therapeutic arts programming to boys in shelter at the Milwaukee County Accountability Program. (2014)

Express Yourself Milwaukee

A grant to support art therapy with boys in shelter. (2013)

Face It Foundation

The grant will support the development of Continuing Education that focuses on Men and Depression and treatments available and effective that population. (2015)

The Face It Foundation (in partnership with UWM and MHA Wisconsin)

Support for a community educational event on the topic of depression and the development of web-based tools focused on cognitive behavioral therapy for the Face It Foundation website. (2013)

Faith In Recovery

Support for a conference to be held in Spring of 2008 on the role of faith in recovery from mental illness. (2007)

Families For Depression Awareness

Grant to support the printing and distribution of the Coping After A Suicide brochure to pastoral counselors, licensed clinical social workers, hospitals, mental health organizations and grief counselors in Wisconsin. (2008)

Family Services of Racine

will provide Mental Health First Aid training to 25 members of the community, with a focus on clergy and nonprofit staff. Mental health First Aid is an evidence based, in person training program that teaches individuals how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of mental illness. (2014)

Feast of Crispian

Funding for their 2021 annual production of The Honor Flight. This production will be told from the perspective of Wisconsin Viet Nam Veterans detailing the trauma and healing that was part of their deployment experience. (2021)

Feast of Crispian

Funding for production and presentation of And Comes Home Safe, Too as part of the First National Veteran's Theater Festival in May 2019 at Milwaukee Repertory Theater's Stiemke Studio. Feast of Crispian engages veterans in Shakespearean productions and personal storytelling to dramatize their own reintegration experiences. (2018)

Feast of Crispin

will provide 20 three-day 14 hour theater intensives, and a veteran-only full production of Julius Ceasar. This program is essential to provide military veterans, facing PTSD, depression, or disassociation, an opportunity to face these challenges and envision a new future. The production will also raise awareness of the civilian public. (2016)


Rescheduled support of Trans Alive! at Milwaukee PrideFest 2022. The resource area at PrideFest will have Trans-specific suicide prevention messaging and materials that includes support by the community, friends and families. (2022)

The Friendship Circle

Funding for the "Wish You Knew" podcast featuring teens sharing their mental illness experiences, support and the need for advocacy. (2024)

The Friendship Circle

Funding for "One Thing I Wish I Knew"; a speaker event with shared personal stories of strength and hope, showcasing their resilience in face of mental health struggles. (2023)

The Friendship Circle

This grant will provide SafeTALK suicide prevention training and support groups to teens through outreach from The Friendship Circle in north shore Milwaukee. (2022)

Friendship Circle

Funding for two teen suicide prevention programs, LivingWorks Start and safeTalk, to be offered in conjunction with schools, clubs and other youth-serving organizations as well as to the Friendship Circle teen mentors who work with peers with special needs. (2020)

Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin

Funding for 6 staff members from MCW Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine to attend the Conference of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society. The conference addresses the social and psychological effects of cancer and effective treatment strategies. A 30-year study by the National Cancer Institute and the National Center for Health Statistics showed suicide occurred in in patients with cancer at almost twice the rate of the general population. (2018)

Froedtert and The Medical College of Wisconsin

A grant to provide members of the psycho-oncology team additional training critical to the ongoing implementation of clinical treatment to reduce stress and depression in Cancer Center patients. (2015)

Froedtert Hospital

A grant to support the development of a brochure on psycho-oncology and to send Cancer Center staff for training on this topic (2012)

Gathering on the Green, Inc.

Supporting Stages program support to engage audiences and bring awareness to community mental health resources. (2023)

Giving Voice to Depression

The weekly podcast "Giving Voice to Depression" and its Facebook page help normalize conversations about mental illness and create an environment where people feel secure seeking the help and support they need to lead healthy lives. (2018)

Giving Voice to Mental Illness, Inc.

CEKF branded support of the Giving Voice to Depression produced video called "Pulling Back the Curtain on Depression's Lies" which includes plans for screening rights of other mental health organizations and co-branding. (2022)

Glendale Police Department -- Wisconsin

Funding for 6 WRAPS restraint systems. These WRAPS improve the method of safely restraining individuals, eliminating the chance for self-harm. For those in a mental health crisis, the WRAP helps protect these individuals and provide safer transportation to either a hospital or mental health facility. (2021)

Grand Avenue Club

Support of "Secret to Spotlight" effort to increase the number of members of the GAC which provides mental health advocacy in Milwaukee. (2024)

Grand Avenue Club

Technical and other equipment needs to improve the services available near the Membership, Employment, Education unit and library. GAC provides adults who have experienced mental illness with pre-vocational, employment, educational, recreational and cultural opportunities so that their lives will be more purposeful and satisfying. (2021)

Grand Avenue Club

A CEKF grant will benefit the support groups offered to participants in Grand Avenue Club's workplace programs. The twice-weekly groups aid GAC members looking for work and also provide a forum for discussing issues and challenges for those who are employed. Grand Avenue Club's mission is to successfully help people experiencing mental illness achieve recovery through work, education, and community life. (2020)

Grand Avenue Club

Support for materials, marketing and preparation of an art gallery within a new Grand Avenue Club (GAC) resale shop where GAC artists can learn how to conduct retail sales, interact with the public, and receive affirmation for their artistic efforts. (2018)

Grand Avenue Club

will continue its important work with college students with persistent mental illness through the Young Adult Supported Education Program (YASE). (2015)

Grand Avenue Club

will continue its important work with college students with persistent mental illness through the Young Adult Supported Education Program (YASE). The GAC partners with MATC to provide support groups, outreach, an educational expo and vocational assistance. (2014)

Grand Avenue Club

Support for outreach to young adults with persistent mental illness in underserved communities (2012)

Grand Avenue Club

Support for a suicide prevention project within the Grand Avenue clubhouse. (2011)

Grand Avenue Club

Support for outreach to young adults with mental illness to let them know about the services available through the GAC. (2008)

Grand Avenue Club

Funds to support the first plenary session of the 14th Annual International Clubhouse Seminar. (2007)

Grand Avenue Club

Support for the Young Adult Supported Education Program. The YASE program provides support for young adults with a mental illness so that they can reach their educational and vocational goals and includes outreach to college campuses. (2006)

Grand Avenue Club

An outreach project to families, schools, neighborhood centers, churches and synagogues to recruit teenagers and young adults who struggle with mental illness to the Grand Avenue Club's Young Adult Supported Education Program (YASE). (2005)

Great Lakes Dryhootch

Funding for collaboration with the Medical College of Wisconsin to create a "train the trainer" peer support program for Veterans and the Quick Reaction Force (QRF) and Opiod Use Disorder Prevention (OUDP). (2023)

The Healing Center

(an Aurora Healthcare Well Community Program) in Walker's Point will train staff and interns of both the Healing Center and the Sexual Assault Treatment Center (SATC) in QPRT (Question, Persuade, Refer and Train), a suicide prevention model for clinicians (2014)

The Highground Veterans Memorial Park

Funding for Veteran peer support program which includes featured speakers and resource materials for ongoing mental health support. (2022)

Hometown Heroes

Funding for mental wellness services for children at Camp Hometown Heroes and Camp Reunite. (2024)


A public awareness campaign focused on white, middle class males (a population which represents a high number of suicides in Wisconsin) which will include billboards throughout the state and radio public service announcements. (2005)

HOPES/Brown County Workgroup

Support to train instructors in QPR, a suicide prevention model. (2008)

House of Love

Funding for staff education and training related to depression awareness. (2011)

Hudson YMCA

A grant to provide community Mental Health First Aid trainings in the St. Croix and Pierce Counties region of Wisconsin. (2020)

InHealth Wisconsin

Funding for elementary and early childhood teacher in-service addressing depression in elementary schools. (2010)

InHealth Wisconsin

Support for an in-service on depression for teachers of elementary School aged children. (2009)

InHealth Wisconsin

Funding for Transitions, a mental health awareness program for 8th graders in Ozaukee County Schools. (2009)

InHealth Wisconsin

Grant for the duplication and distribution of the DVD It's Time: Parents Addressing Youth Depression. (2008)

InHealth Wisconsin

Funds to support the Peer Education and Mental Health Careers Recruitment Project and a 2 day summit for organizations planning to train teachers to recognize and respond to depression in youth. (2007)

InHealth Wisconsin

Train the Trainer curriculum and material for adults working with youth (in conjunction with InHealth's youth depression Project It's Time! Adults Addressing Youth and Teen Depression). (2006)

InHealth Wisconsin

for a youth depression project. InHealth is creating a video featuring youth sharing their experience with depression. The program will be made available to families of children who screen positive for depression in the Milwaukee Public School System and for youth workers. (2005)

InHealth Wisconsin

Sponsorship of the production of a video on depression as part of a program called It's Time: Changing the Community Conversation About Depression. The video features individuals sharing their experience with depression and is available to community organizations, businesses and congregations. (2004)

Institutional Ministries

First Responder support programming including support groups and the design and release of a moral injury brochure. Additional funding provided for QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) training. (2023)

Institutional Ministries

Funding for 1) Question Persuade Refer (QPR) suicide risk training for chaplains and volunteers working with incarcerated individuals and 2) A new First Responder Support Program, which will facilitate support groups for first responders in Wisconsin. (2019)

Institutional Ministries, Inc.

Support for a one-day event in western Wisconsin called "Faith-Inspired Knowledge is Power". This presentation included QPR training, and discussed the topics of Moral Injury, Domestic Abuse and Victimization. (2021)

International Association for Human Values

Two year implementation of Social Emotional Learning and SKY Schools breathwork programming for District 4 Milwaukee Public Schools. (2022)

Jacob's SWAG

A grant toward development of a phone app that will link middle and high school students in an initial 11 Southern Wisconsin school districts to local and national mental health resources using the universal stoplight colors of red (crisis), yellow (warning signs) and green (mindfulness, breathing and other helpful activities). (2019)

Jewish Family Services

A grant to help fund "Real Men, Real Stories" at their Spring 2017 Mental Health conference. (2017)

Jewish Family Services

Support for a 1/2 day conference on the topic of Compassion Fatigue and training in QPR for two JFS staff members. (2014)

Jewish Family Services

Support for a conference entitled The Many Faces of Depression, Hope and Health. (2010)

Jewish Family Services

Funds for a conference on suicide prevention entitled In What Way? The Impact of Depression and Suicide scheduled for the Spring of 2009. (2008)

Jewish Family Services

Support for publicity and promotional materials for a conference entitled Creating a Caring Community: A Jewish Community Conference on Mental Health scheduled for the Fall of 2007. The conference will aim to deliver the message that mental illness is common and treatable and recovery is possible. (2006)

Jordan Porco Foundation

Fresh Check Days programming at 4 Wisconsin colleges -- Lakeland University (main campus and Sheboygan campus), University of Wisconsin -- Stout and Beloit College. (2023)

Jordan Porco Foundation

Funding for Wisconsin Fresh Check Days. FCD is the signature program of the Jordan Porco Foundation. It is a college campus, fair-like program that builds a campus community around mental health and suicide prevention through engaging peer-to-peer education. (2021)

Jordan Porco Foundation

Funding for Fresh Check Days on five Wisconsin college campuses. Fresh Check Day is a fair-like event held on college campuses that builds a campus community around mental health and suicide prevention through engaging peer-to-peer education. (2019)

Journey Mental Health Center, Inc.

A grant to support JMHC 24 hour crisis line which provides rapid crisis intervention, individual problem solving and suicide risk assessment. (2024)

Karla Smith Foundation

A grant to support the development of a support group for families with a mentally ill child or teen. (2013)

Kenosha County Department of Health Services

Support for a Means Restriction project including distribution of gun locks. (2011)

Kenosha County Division Of Aging & Disabilities

Funding for 15 people to complete Mental Health First Aid training to become certified to teach others. Mental Health First Aid is a national program which gives people the skills to identify, understand, and respond to the signs of mental illness and substance abuse disorders. The goal is to train 360 people between October 2019 and September 2020. (2019)

Kenosha County Suicide Prevention Coalition

Funds to purchase and distribute gun locks free of charge in the State of Wisconsin. The locks will be distributed with a brochure on means restriction (2012)

Kids Matter, Inc

Funding for crisis counseling and emotional support for children impacted by the homicide of a parent or caregiver. (2020)

Kids Matter, Inc.

In home mental health support for non-parent caregivers of youth homicide survivors. Funds will help caregivers identify their own depression, break down barriers of stigma for treating it along and suggested treatment options. (2022)

Know Thyself

is a 20 year old youth service organization that helps students become better aware of self and others, better manage their behaviors and emotions, to ensure positive contributions to society. This grant will formalize and standardize the curriculum of the organization and increase the capacity of services provided. (2016)

Kradwell School

Zen Den for Kradwell students' self regulation. A low stimulation area for students to reset, rewind, reflect and renew. (2023)

Kradwell School

A grant to provide art supplies including a clay wheel for the Art Therapy room. This room provides "in the moment" support to students and art therapy is a proven activity that helps them express their emotions and promotes healing for those who have anxiety, depression or survived trauma. (2021)

La Casa de Esperanza

Funding toward staff and volunteer training to become certified as Behavioral Technicians and improve their ability to understand and work with students in social emotional education. (2024)

Law Enforcement Death Response Team (LEDR) in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections

A grant to fund QPR Train the Trainer sessions for corrections officers and jailers throughout the state of Wisconsin. (2013)

Life of Hope

Grant for a Community Suicide Education Forum in West Bend, WI, featuring actor and comedian Josh Rivedal and including a panel discussion and resource fair. (2018)

Life of Hope

A grant to have 2 staff members attend QPR "Train the Trainer" programs so that they may then provide ongoing QPR training throughout Washington County schools, businesses and the general public. (2016)

Life of Hope

will utilize a grant to train four additional people as QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) certified trainers. As the only certified trainers in Washington County, these individuals will provide essential training to the greater community. (2015)

Lutheran Counseling and Family Services

School staff training on identifying depression in students, accompanied by resources including "in-the-moment" coping strategies, calm down boxes and a created binder encompassing available supportive services. (2022)

Lutheran Social Services

Support for a new school-centered mental health program utilizing schools as a health and wellness connector for groups both in and outside of the classroom including children, parents, extended families and neighbors. Piloting at the United Community Center's Bruce-Guadalupe Community School and Acosta Middle School, the program will provide therapy in school and at home, family coaching, behavior interventions, trauma training and education, and assessment. (2018)

Lutheran Social Services of WI & Upper Michigan

School Centered Mental Health services to remove systemic barriers to treatment for Milwaukee area children of color impacted by healthcare disparities and inequities. (2023)

Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin & Upper Michigan

Support for School Centered Mental Health (SCMH) services to serve Milwaukee area children of color impacted by healthcare disparities and inequities. (2024)

Marian University

will host a conference titled Speaking About Suicide: Community Support for Suicide Prevention. This conference is open to the public in Fond du Lac County and will provide practitioners, teachers, coaches, fire and emergency personnel an opportunity to learn more about Zero Suicide and Trauma Informed Care. (2016)

Marquette University

Funds for QPR materials for a suicide prevention program on campus. QPR is a national suicide prevention program. Marquette will train critical groups so that they can identify students who are struggling and engage them in treatment. (2006)

Marquette University Student Veterans Association

will host a one-day symposium themed "Leave No Woman Behind". This event will feature speakers and resources that are available to help veterans locate resources and obtain access to programs essential to addressing their unique mental health needs. (2015)

MAVRC - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Funding for a "Project 22" (a documentary based on two veterans who complete a 22 day motorcycle ride across the country to raise awareness of veteran suicides) viewing and conference with the filmmakers for a panel discussion. (2017)

Medical College of Wisconsin

MedMoth student led program to host storytelling workshops for MCW students, Residents, Fellows, Staff and Faculty to combat burnout and mental distress that has exacerbated due to the pandemic. (2022)

Medical College of Wisconsin

Funding for a continuing education conference on depression and suicide for providers and MCW residents in four-county area surrounding Wausau. (2019)

Medical College of Wisconsin

Suicide prevention symposiums for member schools of the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. (2018 & 2019)

Medical College of Wisconsin

will conduct a project to address the racial disparities in the ascertainment and identification of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide. The project will include the development of a new culturally relevant screening protocol for depression and suicide ideation. (2015)

Medical College of Wisconsin

Funding to support the development of a web based mental health education program (2012)

Medical College of Wisconsin

Support for a research study to identify factors associated with suicide among veterans. (2008)

Medical College of Wisconsin

for a conference on adolescent and young adult suicide to be held in the Fall of '06 for mental health professionals, school districts and college student mental health programs. (2006)

Medical College of Wisconsin

for a conference on Native American behavioral health and mental illness issues, including stigma, suicide prevention and positive efforts to identify and prevent serious illness among the Native American population. (2005)

Mental Health America

Funding for the publication of 7,500 Resource Guides and an online version -- both done in English and Spanish. (2017)

Mental Health America - Prevent Suicide Greater Milwaukee

Funding for the organization's 3rd annual conference held in Milwaukee. This conference provides important information sharing of national and regional resources and statistics, focused on suicide. (2017)

Mental Health America - Wisconsin

Funding for the 8th annual Prevent Suicide Wisconsin Conference to be held April 1, 2018. (2018)

Mental Health America of WI

Prevent Suicide Wisconsin Annual Conference Support. The PSW conference is targeted towards mental health professionals, educators, public health leaders, advocates, survivors, peer specialists and others working in various suicide prevention roles in their community. (2021)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Funding for a strategic outreach campaign for MHA's Peer Support programming for both LGBTQ+ youth and military Veterans. (2022)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Funding for a novel resource called The Prism Project which connects peer specialists with LGBTQ+ youth in an effort to provide mental and emotional support through mentorship. (2021)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Funding for awareness-raising events for the grand opening of the nation's first peer-run respite home for veterans, as well as a video showing the home and explaining its respite program. (2019)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Funding for awareness-raising events for the grand opening of the nation's first peer-run respite home for veterans, as well as a video showing the home and explaining its respite program. (2019)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Funding for the 9th Annual Prevent Suicide Wisconsin conference, May 2-3, 2019. Pre-conference training on May 2; conference on May 3 with keynotes and breakout sessions. Wide variety of participants including school professionals, law enforcement, veterans groups, clergy, healthcare providers and more than 40 suicide prevention coalitions around Wisconsin. (2018)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

A grant to support costs associated with printing and distributing the 2015-2016 Mental Health, Wellness and Addiction Services Resource Guide for Milwaukee County. (2014)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

A grant to support informational sessions for survivors of suicide in the Greater Milwaukee area. (2013)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Support for the 2012-2013 Mental Health, Wellness and Addiction Services Resource Guide for Milwaukee County. (2011)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Support for developing a Survivors Helping Survivors support group in the North Shore area of Milwaukee. (2011)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Grant to develop and implement the new state organizational brand for suicide prevention and to produce and distribute branded materials to local organizations and SPI Steering Committee members. (2010)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Support for the 2010-2011 Mental Health and Wellness Resource Guide for Milwaukee County. (2009)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin

Collaboration with the Charles E Kubly Foundation on a project with Entercom to air educational messages about depression on local radio stations. (2008)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin (Milwaukee County)

will work in conjunction with Milwaukee Latino Health Coalition's Mental Health Action Team (MHAT) to establish a Spanish text line for individuals in need of support in a culturally relevant structure for Latinos within the Milwaukee community. Once operational, the text line will operate four to five evenings per week. (2016)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin (Sheboygan County)

A grant to support costs associated with printing and distributing the 2016-2017 Mental Health, Wellness and Addiction Services Resource Guide for Sheboygan County. (2016)

Mental Health America of Wisconsin (Sheboygan County)

Grant to support a walk to raise awareness of depression. (2009)

The Mental Health Association in Milwaukee County

Staff and curriculum materials to provide public awareness building and stigma reduction to high schools through a project called the Eliminating Barriers Initiative.

Funds for the printing and distribution of mental health materials in English, Spanish and Low Literacy for Community Resource Centers throughout Milwaukee County.

Funds to publish and distribute over 1000 Youth and Family Resource Guides to Milwaukee area schools, police departments and other interested organizations. (2005)

The Mental Health Association in Milwaukee County

A collaboration to provide mini-grants to Wisconsin high schools to fund suicide prevention programs. Grants were awarded to the schools that provided the best proposals for screening youth and training adults who work with youth. (2004)

The Mental Health Association in Sheboygan County

for the printing and distribution of suicide-prevention materials for taverns and hair salons including coasters with the phone number of Sheboygan County's crisis line and tri-folds with facts about depression and how to get help or help a friend. (2004)

The Mental Health Association in Waukesha County

to support a Mental Health Workplace Initiative. Funds provided will allow for printed brochures which will be distributed to Waukesha county businesses to increase early awareness of mental illness. (2005)

The Mental Health Association of Wisconsin

Funds to expand the MHA website to include a provider directory and to provide suicide prevention training in 3 Southeastern Wisconsin high schools. (2007)

MERA Response Team

Funding for assistive technology, CIT training and "in the moment" trauma informed care to support Milwaukee youth and families experiencing an ongoing mental health need and in need of crisis intervention/resolution. (2022)

Meta House

First grant: will provide art therapy for women in its residential and outpatient treatment program that is essential to the reduction of symptoms of anxiety and feelings of depression. Second grant: will train general staff and core counseling staff in Dielectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). The grant will support this essential training and implementation. (2015)

Milwaukee Academy of Science

Continuum of art therapy project for middle school students in order to promote healing from trauma, decrease depression and anxiety and improve mental wellness. (2023)

Milwaukee Academy of Science

A grant for MAS Middle School Therapeutic Arts Project. Art therapy supplies and curriculum to help middle students with mental wellness, promote healing from trauma, and decrease depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. (2022)

Milwaukee Area Technical College

Support for a Resource and Suicide Prevention Guide. (2011)

Milwaukee Center For Independence (MCFI)

A CEKF grant will fund telepsychiatry equipment for implementation at MCFI's Crisis Resource Centers (CRC). The CRCs are an essential component of the redesign of Milwaukee County's Psychiatric Crisis Services. (2019)

Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division

Milwaukee County BHD will assist communities, families and individuals in creating suicide-safe environments for people at risk of suicide. The grant will fund distribution of gun locks and medication disposal envelopes as well as reduce stigma and bring awareness to mental health and suicide prevention through trainings and participation of BHD in community events. (2018)

Milwaukee County War Memorial, Inc.

A public education program -- Southeastern Wisconsin Task Force on Veteran Suicide Prevention. (2024)

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design

A grant to purchase and set up Maxient Software to support counseling staff and students in need of mental health support. This software will provide quicker response times and quality recordkeeping to better serve students in need. (2022)

Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force

Underwriting support for a summit on stigma called Mental Health Summit II, Stigma -- Barriers & Solutions held at the Italian Community Center on March 23rd, 2006. (2006)

Milwaukee PBS

Funding for the Milwaukee PBS broadcast of the Florentine Productions' film on youth depression, "Hiding in Plain Sight". This film features stories of over twenty diverse young Americans who have struggled with their mental health. This is a Ken Burns documentary. (2022)

Milwaukee PBS

Funding for community screenings of the "Kids in Crisis: You're Not Alone" documentary created by Milwaukee Public Television and based on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/USA Today series of the same name.  Also support for a live local show following the PBS premiere. Kids in Crisis features the stories of the four Milwaukee youth sharing their own challenges with mental health and stigma. (2019)

Milwaukee Public Theatre

A grant to support educational outreach to teens on depression and suicide through talking circles and improvisional theater (2012)

Milwaukee Repertory Theater

Support for the April 2019 production of Every Brilliant Thing, a one-man show telling the story of a seven-year-old boy who consoles himself from the harshness around him--his mother has just attempted suicide, his father is distant and insensitive--by creating list of everything that makes life worth living. The list anchors him into adulthood. The message is simple, "For those contemplating suicide, don't do it. Things get better." Each post-performance audience discussion will include a 5-minute response by community leaders in mental health and then Zeidler Center volunteers will facilitate small-group discussions. (2018)

The Milwaukee Repertory Theater

Funding for educational outreach for the production of Next to Normal. (2011)

Milwaukee Rescue Mission

A grant to provide "trauma-informed care" training to the staff at Joy House, a family shelter for moms and kids. (2017)

Milwaukee Urban Stables, Inc.

Horses 4 Heroes programming for Milwaukee Police Department officers, targeted through the MPD wellness program who have experienced traumatic events in the line of duty. (2024)

Milwaukee Youth Theatre, Inc.

Summer Theatre Arts Program for Milwaukee Academy in an effort to raise self esteem and improve social skills for participants. (2023)

MKE Urban Stables

Equine assisted therapy and learning program to build self-esteem, improve social skills, build confidence and better relationships for at-risk youth in Milwaukee. (2023)

Modern Warrior Live

Support for a one-day LIVE & Virtual screening of the Modern Warrior film with a talk-back including audience, MWL creators, and mental health community leaders. There will also be a resource fair for Veterans, their families and community members to attend. (2022)

Moms Mental Health Initiative

A grant for increased social media support and training to reach mothers experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. (2020)

The Morning Blend

Sponsorship of several segments on The Morning Blend television show dealing with various topics in the mental health field. (2010)

The Morning Blend

Funds for an hour long program devoted to the topic of depression. The show included experts, resource information, personal stories and a phone bank staffed by two local hospitals. (2009)

Mount Mary University

Funding for campus "Voices of Leadership" event featuring speaker Diano Chao who founded Letters to Strangers. The event's focus is destigmatizing mental health and serves students at Mount Mary as well as local business leaders. (2022)

Mount Mary University

will provide support to the trauma sensitive school processes and procedures to ensure they are sustainable for the future at Northwest Catholic School. (2015)

Mount Mary University

will continue its Trauma Sensitive School Project at Northwest Catholic School. It is noted that children who have experienced trauma are at higher risk for depression and more disruptive behaviors in the classroom. (2014)

The N.E.W. Mental Health Connection

a nonprofit organization in the Fox Valley, will bring national known speaker, Dr. Shawn Shea to provide training on suicide prevention using the CASE Approach to over 50 primary care physicians and over 150 counselors, psychologists, social workers and substance abuse counselors. (2014)

NAMI - Dane County

Crisis Intervention Team Training for Dane County to improve officer and consumer safety during interventions involving individuals with mental illness and to redirect such individuals into community-based treatment instead of having them enter the criminal justice system. (2018)

NAMI - Washington County

The development of AHA Connections: Acceptance, Harmony & Affirmation - to resolve isolation of mentally ill community members. NAMI Washington County and Life of Hope developed this project jointly to provide activities and social opportunities. (2018)

NAMI - Waukesha County

An educational offering called Ending the Silence for approximately 1,500 middle and high school students. The program is designed to improve suicide awareness and prevention, as well as mental health awareness for young adults. (2018)

NAMI Greater Milwaukee

A two-day Crisis Intervention Partner training designed for any adult who regularly comes into contact with individuals impacted by mental health conditions and wants to gain skills about understanding how mental health issues impact an individual, how to identify when an individual is in crisis, and how to best support them and connect them with services. (2019)

NAMI Greater Milwaukee

Funding provided for the creation of a youth version of "Pieces: In My Own Voice" and then bringing the performance, post-performance discussion and resources to ten Milwaukee area schools, as well as the follow-up in-service mental health education to teachers and school staff. (2017)

NAMI Greater Milwaukee

A grant to support the production of Pieces: In My Own Voice, a theatrical production about mental illness (2012)

NAMI Greater Milwaukee

Support for costs associated with translating mental health material into Spanish, in order to increase the services of education, support and advocacy to Milwaukee's Latino population. (2010)

NAMI Greater Milwaukee

Support for the ASK program (outreach to African Americans) to provide education about mental illness and resource information. (2007)

NAMI Greater Milwaukee

Funds to expand the Family to Family Program which provides education and support to families with a mentally ill family member. The project includes training new facilitators, outreach to the community and printing program materials. (2006)

NAMI Greater Milwaukee

for materials for physician's offices on the services NAMI provides to the mentally ill and their families as well as information about depression, suicide prevention and how to access help. (2005)

NAMI Ozaukee

NAMI Ozaukee has held a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training the past 4 years to support law enforcement experiencing mental health crisis. Funding for The Pause First Project will add advanced CIT training with guest speaker and mindfulness training to address job-related stress, depression and increased suicide rate among first responders. (2018)

NAMI Ozaukee

will offer Critical Incident Training (CIT) to all Ozaukee officers including the Sheriff's Department to police departments from Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Cedarburg, Mequon and Thiensville. (2015)

NAMI Racine County

Support for mental health services for people with depression and mental illness, and their families. This support is for the underserved western area of Racine County. (2022)

NAMI Racine County

An expansion of NAMI mental health programming in western Racine county. The project will expand NAMI's signature peer support groups; provide monthly educational speaker series panels and "Ending the Silence" in its three versions (for students, educators and families). (2021)

NAMI Racine County

Funding to expand teaching of NAMI's Ending the Silence (ETS) program to additional schools in Racine County. Ending the Silence is a 50-minute presentation that helps middle and high school students to understand mental illness. (2019)

NAMI Racine County

Grant to bring NAMI's national suicide prevention program, Ending the Silence, to middle and high school students in Racine to reduce stigma surrounding mental illness and improve knowledge of mental health conditions. (2018)

NAMI Washington County

will work to expand its public awareness program, Ending the Silence by identifying and training two to three additional presenters for its program. This grant will support expanded services in the Hartford, Germantown, Slinger and Kewaskum School Districts. (2016)

NAMI Waukesha

Crisis Intervention Partner workshop targeted at educators, first responders, group home and shelter staff and others in a position to be interacting with a person dealing with mental health issues and/or in a psychiatric crisis. The workshop will provide participants with the skills to better handle those interactions. (2018)

NAMI Waukesha

Funding for a Suicide Awareness and Prevention Conference for approximately 250 attendees and a comprehensive program designed to eliminate misinformation by care-giving individuals. The program hopes to give youth, families and the community at large a common language and understanding of how to help someone dealing with a mental health condition that could eventually lead to suicide. (2017)

NAMI Waukesha

will recruit and train four additional presenters for NAMI's signature program, In Our Own Voices (IOOV). The additional presenters will allow NAMI to present stories of hope and recovery to individuals throughout Waukesha County. (2015)

NAMI Waukesha

Funds to train NAMI Waukesha staff in QPR, to present QPR to 12 community organizations, and to send 12-15 mental health consumers to a Recovery Innovations Peer Employment class. (2013)

NAMI Waukesha

Funds to help translate outreach materials into Spanish and to adapt the ASK program for Spanish speaking individuals. (2010)

NAMI Wisconsin

Grant for creating a directory of mental health resources on the organization's website and staffing a hotline. (2010)

NAMI Wisconsin

Funds to update, expand, publish and disseminate the Family and Consumer Resource Guide. (2007)

National Veterans Creative Arts Festival

Funds to sponsor NVCAF workshops for veteran guests. The Festival will be held in Milwaukee October 27-November 2, 2014. (2014)

Nicolet High School

Funding for a student-led Bandana Project to raise awareness of suicide prevention and mental health and reduce stigma by distributing green bandanas and resource cards to Nicolet students. (2019)

NorthLakes Community Clinic

Funding for the community event "Join or Die" -- a film screening and supporting fair. (2024)

NorthLakes Community Clinic

Funding for resilience-building materials and resources utilized by their school based behavioral health program. (2022)

Orban Foundation for Veterans

Funding to host two 3-day events for veterans and military families specifically on depression and suicide at Camp Victory in Greenwood, WI. Funding would also help to upgrade current podcast quality to reach rural communities more effectively. (2021)

Orban Foundation For Veterans

Funding for a podcast hosted by veterans for veterans with a goal of breaking stigma and sharing stories of mental health challenges and recovery. (2020)

Our Space

Continued support for the Gatekeeper Outreach project focused on providing education about depression and resource information to Hispanic and Native Americans on Milwaukee's South Side. (2008)

Our Space

support for a Gatekeeper Outreach project focused on providing education about depression and resource information to Hispanics and Native Americans on Milwaukee's south side. (2007)

Our Space

A Peer Support Training Program. A innovative project to train those in recovery to support those struggling with mental illness with the goal of reducing crises situations. Stigma will be reduced as consumers are integrated into the workforce and work side by side with professionals. (2005)

Ozaukee Family Services

Support of expanded youth mental health programs which include direct services, education and support for youth ages 5-18 living in Ozaukee County, WI. (2023)

Ozaukee Family Services

Support for presentations on depression and suicide prevention at four Ozaukee County High Schools. (2010)

Painting Pathways Clubhouse

Funding for a wellness program that helps Manitowoc-area Clubhouse members living with mental illness to adopt healthier wellness practices. Ultimately aims to reduce risk factors for preventable diseases, promote recovery and reduce need for crisis intervention services. (2018)


Funding for the training of Pathfinder's direct service staff in Trauma-Informed Care and Motivational Interviewing. Pathfinders provides comprehensive youth services designed to protect youth/young adults (aged 18-25) and their families who are dealing with homelessness, family problems, mental health issues, sexual abuse, teen pregnancy, alcohol and drug addictions, juvenile delinquency and educational needs. (2020)

Pius Catholic High School

A grant to begin part one of a two-part program to develop a standardized approach I identifying, serving and educating students with risk factors for depression, anxiety, adverse childhood experiences and sustained trauma by sending two teachers to "7ei of Trauma Sensitive Schools"- Train the Trainer. (2017)

PIUS XI Catholic High School

Comprehensive School-Based Mental Health Support and Family Engagement partnered with Children's Wisconsin to meet increased "in the moment" student needs. (2023)

The Planning Council

A grant to support the training of staff and parents at 4 Milwaukee Public Schools as part of a pilot through the School Community Partnership for Mental Health. (2011)

Prevent Suicide Greater Milwaukee

QPR (Question/Persuade/Refer) training to increase number of QPR trainers available to high risk groups such as veterans, non-English speaking, LGBTQ and men in middle years. These are demographics that have a high suicide rate. (2018)

Prevent Suicide Greater Milwaukee

will develop and implement a website essential to providing information to the greater Milwaukee Community on suicide prevention efforts, resources, and facilitate future training opportunities. (2015)

Prevent Suicide Greater Milwaukee

Support of PSGM's annual conference, Friday, November 14th , 2014, and specifically, support for speaker fees, materials, and scholarships for attendees. (2014)

Prevent Suicide Kenosha County

will purchase and distribute gun locks free of charge in the State of Wisconsin. The locks will feature a hang tag with suicide prevention phone numbers, and will be distributed with a brochure on means restriction. (2015)

Prevent Suicide Wisconsin

Support for printed materials for the 2014 Annual Conference of Prevent Suicide Wisconsin. (2013)

Professional Fire Fighters of WI Charitable Foundation

A grant for their fire fighter's support program which prioritizes fire fighter's mental health and provides critical support for them and their families. (2024)

ProHealth Care

Funds for a conference for health care professionals on postpartum depression scheduled for the Fall of 2008. (2008)

ProHealth Care

Funds to support an educational program for professionals called Advanced Training in Suicide, Substance Abuse and Depression to be presented by Dr. David Mays. (2007)

ProHealth Care Foundation

Funding for critical staff training to launch a collaborative care pilot which will improve the capabilities of primary care providers to treat depression by integrating behavioral health into clinic settings. (2018)

Project Echelon

A CEKF grant will fund Question Persuade Refer (QPR) suicide prevention training for Project Echelon mentors and board members; as well as support development of SMART goal workshops, coaching and mentorships, and help defray equipment costs or other fees for veterans struggling with addiction or suicidal thoughts. (2019)

The Public Policy Forum in collaboration with the Milwaukee Mental Health Care Partnership

Support for the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Outpatient Capacity Analysis in an effort to improve access to behavioral health services for low income and uninsured individuals. (2014)

Racine Friendship Clubhouse

Funding for a Wellness Recovery Action Workshop (WRAP). The Racine Friendship Clubhouse, Inc. has been empowering adults living with mental illness in the Racine community for 25 years. They provide social support and self-directed programming that helps their members achieve their social, educational, and vocational goals. (2023)

Radio Milwaukee

Support for Radio Milwaukee to utilize their airwaves and community programs to normalize conversations around mental health, especially in the artistic community. (2024)

Radio Milwaukee

A grant to support the Grace Weber Music Lab with a visiting music therapist, mental health professionals conducting Amplifier workshops and a Storyteller in Residence. (2022)

Radio Milwaukee 88.9

In the Wings radio and video segments focused on mental health and specifically, removing stigma and increasing understanding by featuring individual people telling their own stories. (2018)


Funding to establish a licensed mental health clinic within the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center and build relationships with community residents and other community providers. They are also hoping to reduce the stigma of seeking mental health services. (2018)


A grant to enhance and update REDgen's web-based peer-to-peer resiliency site. (2024)


A grant to bring QPR (Questions, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training to REDgen youth leaders committed to enhancing mental health in their school communities. (2024)


Funding to support and strengthen REDgen Education Program through an enhanced speaker series, Spanish language education for collaborative suicide prevention programming of 16th Street Community Clinics and Notre Dame School of Milwaukee, educational videos, QPR training for leadership and a social media campaign. (2023)


Friend2Friend: Emotional and mental wellness health education simulation for REDgen student leaders within schools. (2021)

REDgen and Whitefish Bay High School

Support for a speaker series in the Northshore of Milwaukee on the topic of building resilience in youth. Will include speaker, Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg. (2014)

Riveredge Nature Center

Support for a mental health initiative including workshops to train community members in QPR suicide prevention program. (2024)

Rock Valley Community Program (RVCP)

Funding for 16 directors, managers and supervisors to be certified as trainers in the Question Persuade Refer (QPR) suicide prevention model so they can train staff on an ongoing basis in order to reduce the risk of suicide and suicidal behaviors in the individuals they serve. (2019)

Rocketship Schools

This grant will provide "in the moment" trauma informed coaching and support. The support is for students, teachers and school leaders at their Northside campus, Rocketship Transformation Prep. (2021)

Rocketship Schools Wisconsin

Funding for student and family mental health services expansion including trauma informed care. (2024)

Rodgers InHealth

WISE (Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma Elimination) Mental Health Symposium -- The Intersection of Race & Mental Health (2021)

Rogers Behavioral Health

Support for the Coaching for Success initiative in which MPS, Boys & Girls Clubs and other partners will provide coaching for teachers and evaluate how coaching can translate training into successful use in the classroom. (2020)

Rogers Memorial Hospital

Funds to cover the cost of speaker, Trenni Kusnierek at Rogers Memorial Hospital's Annual Women's Gathering, 2013 and speaker for 2014 event. (2013)

Rogers Memorial Hospital

Support for a conference on the role of spiritual care in the treatment of depression and suicide prevention. (2010)

Rogers Memorial Hospital

Support for a symposium on depression, suicide, and substance abuse with a focus on impaired professionals. (2009)

Rogers Memorial Hospital

Support for a downtown educational/informational event with Bart Starr as the featured speaker. (2007)

Safe Communities

will develop and implement a community wide Zero Suicide initiative. To learn more about Zero Suicide please visit (2015)

Safe Communities

A grant to support the printing and distribution of a brochure on Means Restriction including coordination of a news conference about Means Restriction during Suicide Prevention Week. (2009)

Safe Communities

Funds for a number of suicide prevention efforts including QPR training, radio spots on men and depression, dissemination of resource information and a second suicide prevention conference scheduled for the Fall of 2008 called How to Save A Life. (2008)

Safe Communities

A Call-to-Action Summit designed to (1) promote awareness that suicide is a public health problem that is preventable; (2) develop broad-based support for suicide prevention; (3) build a sustainable network of local organizations and individuals that will participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of community-based suicide prevention efforts; and (4) develop and share a community-based suicide prevention action plan. This project, in partnership with HOPES and other organizations, also serves as a model for other communities looking to establish and enhance collaboration among partners. More information about Safe Community Coalition can be found at (2006)

Safe Communities Madison-Dane County

Funding to partner with the Dane County based construction companies and stakeholders to identify and implement suicide prevention curricula and approaches to tackle high rates of suicide among those employed by construction industry. (2021)

Safe Communities Madison-Dane County

Support for a Zero Suicide Initiative that includes distribution of Safe Storage of Firearms cards, lockable medication boxes through local health systems, and Spanish language QPR booklets, as well as the implementation of physical suicide deterrents in at least two parking structures. (2018)

Safe Communities of Madison & Dane County

Funding for part two of a three-part program that brings the concept of Zero Suicide to mental health practitioners in and around Madison, WI, through training and conferences. "Zero Suicide" is a foundational belief that all suicides of someone currently in care from a behavioral or health system are preventable. (2017)

Safe Families for Children Wisconsin

A project to increase mental health outcomes for parents needing inpatient or outpatient services by increasing the number of volunteers to help care for their families while they are away. (2024)

Samaritan Counseling Center (SCC)

SCC has run a screening program for mental health concerns in schools since 2012. A CEKF grant will fund a new software system which is needed to manage the growing volume of screenings and information and allow for expansion of services, while building capacity for future revenue opportunities through potential licensing to other organizations. (2019)

Samaritan Foundation for Church and Family Wellness

A grant to support printing copies of the Living Compass for Teens notebooks and guidebooks. These will be used in the Living Compass for Teens program in area high schools and nonprofit organizations. (2015)

Samaritan Foundation for Church and Family Wellness

A grant to support printing copies of the Living Compass for Teens notebooks and guidebooks. These will be used in the Living Compass for Teens program in area high schools and nonprofit organizations. Watch a short video highlighting this project here. (2014)

Samaritan Foundation for Church and Family Wellness

Funds for the printing of a secular version of the Living Compass Journal to be used with youth. (2013)

Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries

Canadian-based SMHM global launch -- Wisconsin. Funding for a public workshop for those who have expressed interest in this faith-based mental health programming and would like to bring it to their church, organization or educational institution. (approximately 40 organizations have expressed interest at time of grant application) (2022)

Scaling Wellness in Milwaukee, LTD

Funding toward SWIM's Trauma-Informed Speaker Series: Addressing Trauma in Milwaukee. (2024)

Scattering CJ (Stone Soup Productions)

Funding for three Wisconsin screenings and development of a related audience discussion kit of the documentary, "Scattering CJ". The film documents the efforts of Hallie Twomey to spread the ashes of her son CJ, who she lost to suicide, in different places around the globe and seeks to unpack the complexity and ambiguity that surrounds suicide, as well as start conversations that can break the stigmas associated with mental illness and depression. (2019)

School District of New Berlin

A grant for training to implement evidence-based Signs of Suicide Program in middle and high schools in the District. (2018)

Seeds of Health Schools

Through this pilot made possible by a CEKF grant, a therapist from SaintA offers consultation services that support teachers and staff in addressing their students' mental health needs as well as providing direct therapy for students at a clinic established within Seeds of Health Elementary School. (2019)

Seeds of Health, Inc.

A grant to enhance school based mental health through training, consultation and stigma reduction. (2023)

Shelter in the Storm

Green Bay Southwest High School student-led podcast to discuss mental health topics with resources and clinical guidance. (2023)

Shield of Sisters

A grant to support Restoration Retreats for female active duty/reserve/guard and veterans that have suffered the impacts of military sexual trauma. Retreats provide tools to prevent suicide, peer support and referrals for aftercare. (2023)

Sirona Recovery

A grant for support of the well-used COPE line that has been under the Sirona Recovery umbrella for several years. (2022)

Sirona Recovery

Funding for program costs of the COPE Line Program which serves SE Wisconsin. (2021)


will provide information about depression and overall health to women in recovery from breast cancer in their Live Well support groups. There is a link between healthy living (including treatment of depression) and a positive recovery from cancer. (2014)

Sixteenth Street Clinic

Funding for the opening of the Layton Clinic which will serve unmet community needs. They will screen more adults and adolescents for depression and create follow-up plans -- hoping to create 11,000 behavioral encounters in the first year. (2018)

Sixteenth Street Clinic

A grant to support the implementation of a pilot tele-psychiatry program essential to addressing the shortage of mental health providers in the Milwaukee area. This pilot program will ensure urban patients will have access to mental health providers free of cultural and linguistic barriers. (2016)

Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers

Cultural training bootcamp: Fortifying behavioral health providers with the tools they need to bring meaningful change to the community through culturally sensitive mental health education and resources. For over 50 years, Sixteenth Street has provided care for nearly 43,000 primarily low-income, diverse individuals each year. They value and respect all people and protect the right to wellness by never turning anyone away. (2023)

Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers

Equipping behavioral health providers with suicide prevention training. Funds would be used in support of professional development opportunities for 70 of SSCHC behavioral staff in the topic area of suicide prevention and its risk factors. (2021)

Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers

A bilingual, culturally-sensitive weekly support group facilitated by a licensed behavioral health provider helps break down barriers for parents with children in the day treatment program by providing tools and a support network to help manage their child's behavior in the home, as well as providing parents with an outlet for emotional support in coping with challenges. (2020)

Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers

A grant toward a new Mental Health Support Center in partnership with Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division (BHD) which will better deliver mental health and prevention services to people who need them on Milwaukee's South Side and decrease the number of people who get to the point of needing crisis and emergency care. (2019)

Social Development Commission

Support for art therapy and an art fair/mental health fair for children in SDC's programming (2012)

Social Development Commission

Support for art therapy, an art fair and a mental health resource fair for children in SDC's Youth and Family Development Program. (2011)


Funds for SPAN's 12th Annual National Suicide Prevention Awareness Event. (2007)


Funds to support the Suicide Prevention Action Network's 11th annual National Awareness Event. This 3 day conference to be held Sept. 7th--9th, 2006 raises awareness of suicide and untreated depression, provides support to survivors and trains participants to be advocates. (2006)

Spark Media

Sponsorship of the film airing of "Scattering CJ" -- a moving documentary about a mother who lost her son to suicide and made huge impact by having his ashes scattered around the world. Support will bring the film to WI PBS stations, and Spark Media is specifically hoping to make further inroads with the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin. (2022)

St. James United Methodist Women

Funding for a two-day community health summit on suicide prevention. (2019)

St. Marcus Lutheran School

Curriculum and program development, along with materials for pilot art therapy program at St. Marcus main campus middle school. (2021)

Starfish Foundation

Funding for Certified Peer Support training for veterans and citizens who want to serve veterans in this capacity. (2024)

Starting Point of Ozaukee County

will bring a production of PIECES: In My Own Voice, a theatrical production about mental illness, to Ozaukee County School District. It will also host a fair to raise awareness about mental health and addiction. (2015)

Staying on Track

Support of the relaunch of the stage production, "Pieces", which showcases personal accounts of living with different mental health diagnoses. This funding also will support the ASK outreach program which targets underserved Milwaukee area residents. (2022)

The Steering Committee for Advancing Understanding, Care and Support for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-blind Individuals

Support for a Mental Health Procedures Manual and companion educational video, marketing sessions to disseminate the manual, Deaf Community Information sessions and Personal Stories videos (in partnership with Rogers InHealth). (2013)

Think Through Your Life

will put on a concert and event in July, 2015 to provide information for students aged 14-20. The event will feature multiple speakers and musicians who all share the story that things will get better. They will strive to impress upon those with mental health issues, that they are not alone. (2015)

Transitional Living Services

Funds for outreach to let the community know about the new Crisis Resource Center in Milwaukee. (2007)

Traumatic Incidence Resource

Funds to send TIR officers to Mental Health First Aid Training. (2013)

Traumatic Incident Resource

Mental Health First Aid training for several first responder honor guard members who will then be able to train peers in Wisconsin and beyond. Mental Health First Aid teaches how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance abuse disorders in the community. (2018)

United Way of Dane County/Journey Mental Health

A CEKF grant will cover costs to train eight additional providers in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) as preparation to engage in CBITS, an evidence-based practice approach for screening kids for trauma, depression and PTSD. (2019)

University of Michigan Depression Center

Scholarships for 5 college/university counseling staff from the Greater Milwaukee Area to attend the annual University of Michigan Depression Center conference. (2010)

University of Michigan Depression Center

A grant to provide 5 scholarships for staff of Milwaukee based colleges/universities to attend the Depression on College Campuses conference. (2009)

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Mindful I-Corps which wills support student entrepreneurs by integrating mental well-being strategies with entrepreneurial training. (2024)

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Funding to provide social work telemental health education in the prevention and intervention of depression and death by suicide. (2022)

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Grant to implement a Gatekeeper Training program for suicide prevention. (2010)

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Foundation

With services by Growing Minds, this grant will support 3 mindfulness workshops within the Lubar Entrepreneurship Center held on campus with wrap around services included. (2022)

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point

Funds to help implement the Campus Connect Gatekeeper Training Program on the UWSP campus (2012)

University of Wisconsin, Madison - University Health Services

Togetherall pilot implemented on campus for one year. Togetherall is a 24/7, clinically moderated, online peer-to-peer support community. (2023)

University of Wisconsin-Platteville

Funding to invite Frank Warren, a Suicide Prevention Specialist and motivational speaker, to the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. This will include several promotions and other events surrounding the main speaking event. (2017)

UWM Foundation

Lubar Entrepreneurship Center Charles E. Kubly Wellness Fellows phase 2. Peer support training and wellness/mindfulness materials developed to support full campus awareness and support of mental health. (2023)


A grant to fund the VA UWM Mental Health Summit, which focused on the unique mental health issues facing the African American veteran community in the Milwaukee area. (2018)

UWM Military And Veterans Resource Center

Funding for support of peer-to-peer coaches for UWM's military and veteran students to support those with mental health needs or concerns and to encourage them to seek resources. (2020)

UWM School of Continuing Education

Scholarships, materials and speaker stipends for a trauma-focused conference of early childhood caregivers and educators. (2018)

UWM Youth Work Learning Center and RED2

Support for a pilot of a youth educational retreat called "Mind Matters: Tune In. Reach Out. Lead." (2013)

UWSP Department of Continuing Education (Crisis Intervention Conference)

Support for keynote speaker, John Halligan, on the topic of bullying and its relationship to depression. Conference to be held September 25 and 26, 2014 in Wisconsin Dells. (2013)

Very Special Arts

Funding for seven six-week long visual arts studio class sessions for 30-40 military veterans. (2017)

Vision Forward Association

will acquire essential QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) training for staff. The grant will also help individuals in the organizations' New Perspectives Program and provide critical psycho support to those in need. (2015)

Vital Voices for Mental Health

A grant to support expansion of the Vital Voices advocacy services. With the help of a marketing consultant, Vital Voices will contract with several new organizations that provide services for mental health consumers. (2014)

Vivent Health (former AIDS Resource Center)

Funding for Vivent's Consultant-Liaison program which embeds a mental health professional within Vivent's Milwaukee Medical Clinic. (2020)

Warmline, Inc.

A grant to strengthen the capabilities of the Warmline by providing cell phones, updating their website and creation of a confidential tracking system for calls for data analysis and, if needed, to connect callers to a crisis number. (2021)

Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare

Funding for interactive educational presentation on depression in high schools on Milwaukee's South Side and training for college and university Resident Advisors and Hall Directors. (2013)

Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare

Support for presentations about mental health at schools and community centers on Milwaukee's South Side. (2011)

Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare

Funding for presentations to increase awareness of and reduce stigma related to mental health challenges including depression and suicide. (2010)

Whitefish Bay High School/REDgen/North Shore Health Department

will train three individuals (a WFB High School Representative, a mental health professional, and an individual from a faith based organization) in QPR -- a suicide prevention model. Somatic knowing techniques will be included. Gatekeeper Training will then be provided to over 100 individuals in the North Shore. (2014)

Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges & Universities

This all-day conference on November 8, 2019 focused on primary prevention for suicide on college campuses and specifically on stigma reduction since stigma can prevent students from seeking help. (2019)

Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association

Additional funds to complete the training of police officers in suicide prevention throughout the State of Wisconsin. (2011)

Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association

A grant to provide suicide prevention training to police officers in 8 counties using the QPR model. (2010)

Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality

A grant for "Combatting Stigma: Spreading Awareness Through Visual Narratives"; videos with individuals sharing their lived experience with mental illness to breakdown stigma and encourage selfcare and treatment. (2024)

Wisconsin Community Service

A grant to cover the cost of QPR training to Behavioral Health staff within WCS. (2011)

Wisconsin Family Ties

will bring new and unique speakers to the 2016 Children Come First Conference, including a youth panel. The grant will also support the conference and provide scholarships to those that may otherwise be unable to attend. (2016)

Wisconsin Family Ties

will bring new and unique speakers to the 2015 Children Come First Conference. It will also support the conference and provide scholarships to those that may otherwise be unable to attend. (2015)

Wisconsin Family Ties

Support for the 2009 Children Come First Conference held in the WI Dells on November 16th and 17th. (2009)

Wisconsin Family Ties

Grant to support speaker and printing costs for the Children Come First Conference held on November 9-11, 2008. (2008)

Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT)

Funding to enhance the curriculum for WFT's Breaking Barriers & Building Bridges: How to Work Effectively with Any Family workshop and market it more extensively. Workshop participants will hear about parents' experiences raising a child with mental health needs, learn how the involvement of parents can strengthen school programming and improve student outcomes, gain an understanding of barriers to parental involvement, and learn how to better engage families to take advantage of the unique assets they bring to the table. (2019)

Wisconsin Health Literacy

BIPOC educational programming called "Let's Talk About Coping". This program includes "train the trainer" education and outreach to the public to bring better mental health understanding to underserved families. (2022)

The Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma Elimination (WISE)

Support for statewide trainings on an evidence based stigma reduction model. Staff members will train key community leaders about stigma reduction through personal story telling; the community health care leaders will serve as regional leaders for future expansion of these efforts. (2015)

The Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma Elimination (WISE)

Support for statewide trainings in an evidence based stigma reduction model. Staff members will train nonprofit organizations about stigma reduction through personal story telling. (2014)

Wisconsin Lutheran Child & Family Services

Funding for mental health screenings of freshman at three Wisconsin high schools. (2020)

Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Services

A grant to support education for teachers of inner city choice schools on the topic of depression. (2011)

Wisconsin Philharmonic

Funding for Holiday Concert with audience pre-talk about mental health featuring NAMI Waukesha as well as mental health presentation to dress rehearsal of area high school band and choir members participating in concert. (2018)

Wisconsin Psychiatric Association

Support for a speaker on the topic of suicide prevention for the 2012 Annual Meeting of WPA. (2011)

Wisconsin United for Mental Health

Funds to disseminate a DVD on mental illness to managers in the workplace entitled Mental Health @ Work. (2010)

Wisconsin Veterans Network

Funding to implement the Expiration Term of Service (ETS) Sponsorship program. The program centers on a personal relationship between the service member, who is leaving the military, and the sponsor, who is trained and certified, empathetic and dedicated to helping the service members and family members. (2021)

Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation

will develop and improve the GrapeVine Project's mental health education unit that focuses on depression and anxiety for women. The grant will help train 60 new nurses in this program who will deploy and present the information statewide. (2015)

Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation

A grant to provide a 1 day training on postpartum depression for health educators (2012)

Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation

Support for their 4th annual Dialogue, specifically the workshop The Prevention of Depression in the Workplace. (2009)

Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation

Grant to cover costs of reproducing report about the cost of depression in the workplace. (2009)

Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation

Funds to purchase radio spots for the Sue Ann Says Health Minute. The radio spots will address women and depression and will target women in Wisconsin over the age of 25, including women in rural communities and African American women. (2007)

WLCFS Christian Family Solutions

A grant to provide Zero Suicide Model Training for the staff of Wisconsin Lutheran Child & Family Services to create organization-wide awareness and response to suicide that is evidence-based, consistent, and effective, as well as to implement a measurement tool that helps tracks outcomes toward the goal of zero suicide. (2018)

WLCFS-Christian Family Solutions

Funding for QPR suicide prevention training and educational presentations about the warning signs of suicide and other mental health issues to be presented to Milwaukee teachers and staff at 17 urban elementary schools served by WLCFS, as well as other select other public and private high schools in Milwaukee and the surrounding area. (2019)

Women of Worth (Through Ascension All Saints Hospital Foundation)

Funding for Women's Health Education, Parenting and Nurturing Programs. The staff of the WOW program work with women to develop their own treatment plans and provide several opportunities to learn skills that will develop their emotional health and tools for better day-to-day living. (2021)

World Federation for Mental Health

Support for a project entitled Developing a Global Suicide Prevention Program For Families Caring for People with Serious Mental Illness. Will include a pilot of the workshop in Milwaukee. (2009)

World Federation for Mental Health

Support to design, print and disseminate a Monograph entitled "Building Awareness-Reducing Risk: Mental Illness and Suicide." (2007)

The World Federation for Mental Health

Support for World Mental Health Day, including materials focused on suicide prevention and mental illness for over 3000 mental health organizations around the world. (2006)

YMCA - Camp Soul

A grant to support an overnight camp for approximately 58 youth and teens that have suffered a loss of someone near to them. (2017)

YMCA of Greater Milwaukee

Funds to support Camp Soul, a bereavement camp for youth. (2012)

YMCA of Greater Milwaukee

Support for Camp Soul, a bereavement camp for children. (2011)

Youth And Family Project

Free, short-term counseling to youth in crisis and their families, with additional services that include emergency short-term shelter, education, referral and availability of a 24-hour hotline. (2020)

Youth and Family Project

Free, short-term counseling to youth in crisis and their families with additional services that include emergency, short-term shelter, education, referral and availability of a 24-hour helpline. (2018)